Arbitrage Bot
Off-chain price arb bot between Agoric and Osmosis
Limited Developer Support
All assets represented in this library are community built, which means limited support from the Agoric OpCo development team. Please use components, APIs, and front-ends with caution.
This component is a bot that is able to arbitrage prices between a pool on Osmosis and a pool on the Agoric AMM. It is an off-chain bot that can make nearly simultaneous off-setting trades on the Agoric AMM and Osmosis DEX given a divergence in price.
Note: The Agoric AMM has not been launched in production.
A goal of the Agoric AMM is to maintain prices that are in line with the external market. A tight coupling to external DEXs like Osmosis through arbitrage bots will help achieve this goal.
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Built by Simpletrontdip
Last updated